Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sometimes I'm illogical. (aka stupid)

This last weekend we went to Adam's 2nd cousin's son's five year old Mario-themed birthday party. (whew!)

And on the way home, I thought I was seeing ghosts.

We were driving along, me in the passenger seat. I was telling Adam some kind of story, I'm sure it was really funny and really engaging and just super cool and Adam was totally into it (as was I), when all of a sudden I looked into the lane next to us and saw the car driving alongside us.

But there was no one in the driver's seat. 


Maybe it's a British car, or a mailman's car, and the driver's seat is actually on the other side?

I sat up straight, real quick, pressed both my hands on the window, and urgently scanned the entire row of front seats. I leaned as far over as I could, searching for someone, anyone, to be in the front seat driving that stupid car. 

I saw no one. And I panicked.

I said to Adam.
In my head, all I could think was "GHOSTS!"


And that's when Adam sped up and I saw the motor home attached to the front of the car being driven by ghosts. Or not being driven by someone who had fallen asleep or murdered from the backseat.
The possibilities had been endless.
But illogical, nonetheless.
We laughed for a long time after that.

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