*I was a cheerleader in high school
*Adam eats exactly twice as fast as me. Like, I am finishing with the first
half of my triangle-cut sandwich as he is finishing the entire thing. Happens every time, and
not just with sandwiches.
*Speaking of eating, I am in love with Wendy's natural cut fries with sea salt. Better than
McDonald's, I'd even venture saying.
*Adam is going to be a model! For real!
I can't help but laugh every time I think about it. This artist in our new ward
said he would make the perfect angel in a painting he's doing, so he invited Adam to
the photoshoot in a couple weeks.
But, it's not like this is going to be Adam's first time in a modeling gig:
*I celebrated Sugar Cookie day last year. This is my bff Heather. I haven't seen her since this day,
and am meeting her in France after my 2 weeks with my dad in Italy, Germany, Prague, and Poland.
*As is obvious in this photo, I got a perm last summer.
Never again. Yes I did learn my lesson.
*Life is expensive.
Holy Moly. College doesn't prepare you for this! We are spending money out the ying yang
and it's still not over thanks to this trip of mine.
*I leave in 3 hours. See you in 4 weeks!