Saturday, December 10, 2011

Conversations through a Megaphone

So, I want to tell you guys thanks for your lovely comments.

Sometimes blogging feels like having a blind-folded conversation into a megaphone, not knowing who is listening and never knowing who will reply.
While of course this blog's main function for me is a journal of sorts, something I will one day print out and let my posterity read like my other journals, and it's also a way to keep those far away updated on our lives.

But, it's nice to know I'm not just shouting into the wind for nothing.

And then sometimes I just feel like having a conversation but I can't think of the *right* person to have it with. Get it? 
Like, either I can't think of a person who would care to have that particular conversation with me, or, if I think they would care, I don't think they would have much to contribute to the conversation (like my grandma, for instance).

So usually I just end up having these conversations with myself.
I will give you two examples (and sorry, both have something to do with Twilight).

1) Why do people feel the need to trash talk Stephanie Meyer? 
Look, I'm not a huge Twilight fan. I read the first book, and it was pretty entertaining, but I couldn't finish the rest of the series. Just not my thing. No big deal. And I don't think the movies are all that great, but I think that has less to do with Stephanie Meyer than many other factors. 
But that's not the point. 
The point is not about whether I like her novels or not, the point is, 

Don't you have anything better to post as your Facebook status? 
Don't you have any other photos to have in an album besides 'I Hate Twilight' collages?

I was reading a girl's blog where she actually said she
hated Stephanie Meyer 
and that she had come up with a list of
reasons why Stephanie Meyer should be dead
("First of all, obviously [she doesn't understand] the real world. How [does she] survive in it?)

This absolutely blew my mind.
How dare one person say that about another! 

Come on, guys, we all know that we really don't care if her books are crappily written or not, if you are trash talking her, you're probably just jealous that she made millions of dollars off a love story. In fact, I'd even venture to say, 
She's a freaking genius.
She must be.
She has captured the hearts and money of people around the world in four novels.
Could you do that?
I certainly couldn't. 
One of the smartest girls I know drew serious inspiration from those novels for a large chunk of time --- I don't know why, I don't get it, but I respect her and therefore I must say there must be something to it.

...Sigh. Anywho, that's one conversation I have had with myself, and now I'm shouting it into a megaphone, though I'm not really looking for a heated discussion on this (a conversation is different indeed from an argument).

2) The next conversation I've had running through my head with myself is,
Are Robert and Kristen (the real life Edward and Bella) actually getting married?
If so, HOW COOL IS THAT?????
I would be just tickled pink if Jenna and John (real life Jim and Pam from The Office) were to hook up (though I realize both are already married to other people). It would be like The Office wasn't just a tv show, but reality, and I could  believe everything on it were true and that their happily ever after actually did happen and that unicorns really do exist and that eating donuts everyday won't make me fat and that I will find a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
And then I'd really be satisfied.
But maybe Twilight fans aren't all that excited about it? Probably not, now that I think about it. They will probably just be upset that Robert isn't an eligible bachelor anymore. 
I guess I just love to see love happening in others, because I've already found it for me (ahhh.....)

There you go.
Two wonderful examples of fulfilling conversations I have had with myself, that I am now sharing with you through my giant megaphone of a blog.
And if you just don't care, or have nothing much to contribute,
that's totally fine - I don't even mind. 

I will definitely have a more exciting blog post in the near future.
For one, my dog is turning one tomorrow.
And for another, 
I only have five months left until this baby comes.
And I've got some thoughts on that subject.


  1. I love reading your blog because your writing is so real. And I agree with you on both those examples. I hate when people trash talk just to trash talk. It's stupid.

  2. i have to admit that i have read all the twilight books, and i also recognize that they're not the most well written stuff. But I always say that you don't have to be a good writer to be a good story teller. I totally agree with the Robert & Kristen thing. I would have LOVED if Rupert Grint and Emma Watson fell in love. :) It would have made unicorns real for me, hehe.
    p.s. ever since i read on Angela's comment that you were going to post a blog, I've kept refreshing my Blogger dashboard waiting for it to pop up :D

  3. I ran across this article a while ago and thought it summed things up pretty well (minus the swearing):,65323/

    Also, unicorns DO exist; they're just really really sneaky.

    (Oh, and I have fun reading your blog.)

  4. one really cool thing accomplished by Stephanie Meyer is that she single handedly made reading actual BOOKS cool again! before her series, reading hard copies was on a downhill trend, and lo and behold...look at it now! if anything, one must respect her for that! (i just get annoyed with whiney Bella)

    your blog is great!

  5. I totally read that same blog where she said she hated SM and thought she should be dead and I've been thinking a lot about her comments! I hope someone calls her out on it, because that's some serious HATE for someone she doesn't even know. Totally uncalled for.

    and I got the shout out to me <3
    Love you and your megaphone.
